More Entertainment that You Deserve
Mark has done thousands of colleges. Mark developed his show touring exclusively in colleges for over 10 years. His show is the perfect event for a college crowd or can be tweaked for a mixed audience. Perfect for orientations, parents weekends, comedy nights, sibs weekends. Marks unique and hysterical show is guaranteed to kill.
The 4D version requires special glasses. The show work's great either way, but the 4D option is an amazingly easy marketing tool, and adds A NEW DIMENSiON."
Winner !
Comedy Entertainer of the Year!
Collegiate Entertainer of the Year!
~ ACTS ~
International Juggling Champion
~ IJA ~
Mark has partnered with Siri Nizer (of iPhone fame) who is his virtual assistant. With Siri in the cast we can run the entire show without additional crew. Mark can bring all lights, sound and video equipment with him, or, plug into your basic light plot, sound system and projector, and give your crew the night off. This allows the show to have thousands of light cues, show automation and effects that would never be possible before. Mark Nizer - A New Dimension in Entertainment, truly is the FIRST one man show."
Contact Us today and bring Mark Nizer to your audience. |

A New Dimension in Entertainment
4D Option
(Glasses Required) CLICK HERE TO GET SOME |
"Mark Nizer is the genuine thing. More than an incredible juggler, he is a talented entertainer who can take any situation and run with exceptional blend of comedy and the art of juggling."
-Campus Activities Magazine
"From the minute he stepped on stage, until the standing ovation at the end of his performance he held the audience spellbound."
-Pamela Thompson: Northwestern College
"Marks performance was hot! Mark worked the crowd like magic, appealing to the great variety of ages present. His juggling and comedy was flawless. He is one of two performers in our history who has received a standing ovation and we are a tough crowd."
-Michelle Komorowski: Univ. of Texas Tyler
"Mark has an awesome show. Mark is the first entertainer all year to receive a standing ovation. One of the best shows we have had..."
-Director of Student Activities: Waldorf College
The show was great Friday! Thanks for doing such a superb job. I plan to speak with our performing arts staff about bringing you in again next year."
-James Bass, Assistant Director/Program Director -The University of North Carolina at Pembroke
"Without a doubt the hottest juggler on the entertainment market, Mark Nizer is simply incredible."
-Entertainment Magazine
"Supremely Entertaining."
-Jennifer Reading, Fordham University, Bronx, NY
MORE... |
What are the Tech Requirements?
A space with a 12' ceiling or higher. Blackout capability is nice for the lazers and other special effects but not required. Mark can bring everything including lights, sound and video if needed. A light colored wall, movie screen or cyc is helpful to project video to.
In a typical set up, Mark plugs into your lights and sound system with his laptop and runs everything remotely from stage. Complete Tech information is available here.
What Routing is Available?
Since Mark can fly with everything he needs Mark can come to you anytime and anywhere. Because of Mark's frequent flyer status he can normally check three bags for FREE on most major airlines. See our ONLINE TOUR CALENDER for dates and avails. |
References PART 1
Albright College
Alderson-Broaddus College
Alfred University
Allegheny College 4
Amherst College 2
Angelo State University
Anne Arundel Community College
Anoka Ramsey Community College
Appalachian State University 2
Arizona Western College
Arkansas Tech University
Armstrong State College
Ashland University 3
Augsburg College 2
Augustana College
Aurora University
Austin College
Austin Peay State University
Azusa Pacific University
Babson College
Bates College 3
Baldwin-Wallace College 3
Benedictine College 3
Berry College 2
Bethany College
Bethany College/KS
Boise State University
Bradford College
Bradley University
Brandeis University
Brazosport College
Bridgewater College
Broward County Comm. College 3
Bryant College
Bucknell University
Bunker Hill Community College 3
Butler University
C.C.A.C./Allegany Campus
Cal. State Univ. Northridge 2
Calif. Poly State/San Luis Obispo
California State Univ./Bakersfield
Carnegie Mellon University 2
Carthage College 3
Catawba College 2
Central Missouri State Univ. 2
Christopher Newport College
Clark University 2
Clemson University
Coker College
Colby College
Colby Sawyer College
College of Saint Benedict
College of St. Thomas
College of St. Scholastica
College of DuPage
College of the Mainland
College of Wooster
Columbia- Greene Comm. College
Community College of Allegheny 2
Concord College 2
Concordia College/NE 2
Converse College 2
Cornell College
Cottey College 3
Cypress College
Dakota State College 3
Dakota Wesleyan University
Daniel Webster University
Davenport College 2
Dean Junior College
Denison University
Des Moine Area Community College
Devry Institute of Technology 2
Dickinson College 2
Douglass College
Drake University
Dundalk Comm. College
East Texas State University
Eastern Connecticut State Univ.
Eastern New Mexico University 2
Eastern Illinois University 3
Edinboro University of Penn.
Elgin Community College 2
Elkins College
Elizabethtown College 2
Elmira College 2
Elms College
Elon College
Embry Riddle Aeronautical Univ.
Emporia State University 3
Eureka College
Everett Community College
Fairfield University
Fairleigh Dickenson University
Ferrum College
Fitchburg State College
FL International University/North
Florida International University 2
Florida Institute of Technology
Fox Valley Technical College
Francis Marion University
Franklin Pierce College 3
Freed-Hardeman University 2
Frostburg State University
Fulton-Montgomery Comm. College
Furman University
Gainesville College
Gannon University
Georgia State University 2
Georgia Southern University
Georgia Institute of Technology 2
Gettysburg College
Graceland College
Grand Rapids Junior College
Grand Valley State University
Grossmont College
Hagerstown Junior College
Hanover College 2
Harding University 4
Harper College 2
Hartwick College
Henderson State University
Hendrix College
Hiram College
Holy Cross College
Hope College 2
Howard College
Huron College
Abraham Baldwin Agri College
Bellamine University
Univ. of Arts and Science
Harding University
Illinois College
Illinois State University
Illinois Math and Science Academy
Illinois Institute of Technology
Illinois Central College 2
Indiana University/Purdue
Indiana University/Kokomo 2
Indiana University/Southeast 3
Indiana State University
Inver Hills Community College
Iowa Weslyan College 2
Jacksonville State University
James Madison University
John Drew Theater/Guild Hall 2
Johnson County Community College
Johnson & Wales University 2
Joliet Junior College
Kalamazoo College
Kishwaukee College
La Salle University
Lafayette College
Lake Land College 4
Lakeland College
Lamar University/Port Arthur 2
Lamar University/Beaumont
Lander College
Laredo Junior College 2
Lebanon Valley College
Lehigh University 2
Long Island University/South Hamp.
Lorain County Comm. College
Louis and Clark College
Louisiana State University
Louisiana Tech. University
Loyola University of Chicago
Lyon College/Arkansas College 2
MacMurray College
Mahoosuc Arts Council 3
Marian College
Marian College/Fond du Lac
Mercer University
Merrimack College
Mesa State College
Miami University/ Oxford 3
Middlesex Comm. College/CT
Middlesex Comm. College/Lowell 2
Midwestern State University
Mikwaukee Area Technical College
Millikin University
Monmouth College
Montana State University
Moorhead State University
Morehead State University
Morningside College 2
Mount Union College
Muhlenburg College
Murray State University
Muskingum College 2
NE Missouri State University 2
New Mexico State University 2
New York Institute of Tech.
New England College
Nicolet Area Technical College
North Central College
North Dakota State University
North Georgia College
Northern Iowa Technical College
Northern State University 2
Northern Kentucky University
Northern Illinois Univ. 3
Northwest Missouri State
Northwestern College
Notre Dame College
Oakland University
Oakton Community Collge
References PART 2:
Ohio Northern University
Old Dominion University
Orange County Community College 2
Park College
Peddie School 3
Penn State University/Berks
Pensacola Junior College
Peru State College
Pfeiffer College
Pittsburg State University
Pratt Institute
Principia College
Quincy College 2
Ramapo College of New Jersey
Raritan Valley Community Co.
Raton Arts Council
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Richland Community College
Ridgewater College 2
Ridgewater College
Rochester Community College
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rock Valley College
Rockford College
Roger Williams University
Rogers State College
Rose-Hullman Institute of Tech. 3
Rutgers University
Saint Ambrose Univ.
Saint Joseph's College 2
Saint Mary's University
Saint Edwards University
Saint Johns University
Saint Cloud State University 2
Saint Lawrence University 2
Saint Anselm College
Saint Leo College
Saint Francis College
Salem-Teikyo University
Salisbury State University
Sam Houston State University
San Antonio College 2
San Juan College
Sandusky State Theater
Sangre de Cristo Arts Center
Scott Community College
Siena Heights College
Philadelphia University
Munson-Williams Proctor Institute
Fordham University
Fairfield Univ.
SUNY Fredonia
Ohio Northern University
South Florida Community College-Auditorium
Northwood University
Carthage College
Adams State College
Brescia University, Owensboro, KY
Elon University, Elon, NC
Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA
Fitchburg State, Fitchburg, MA
North Carolina Wesleyan College, NC
Cottey College, Nevada, MO
University of New Haven, New Haven, CT
Quincy University, Quincy, IL
University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
Harding University, Searcy, AR
Nichols College, Dudley MA
Drake University
Jefferson Community College
Benedictine College
Rowan University
Bradley University, Peoria, IL
Slippery Rock University
South Dakota State University
Southeastern Mass. University
Southeastern Louisiana University 3
Southern Methodist Universtiy 3
Southern Arkansas University
Southern Seminary College
Southern Utah University
Southern College of Technology
Southwest State University 2
Southwest Texas State University 2
Southwest Missouri State Univ.
Southwestern University 2
Spokane Community College
St. Philip?s College 2
State Univ. of NY/Old Westbury
Suffolk County Community College
SUNY/ Farmingdale
SUNY/College of Technology
Texas A&M University
Texas Christian University
Texas Lutheran College 2
The Emelin Theater
Tiffin University
Towson State University
Trinity University
Trinity College
Tulsa Junior College/Metro Campus
Tyler Junior College
Univ. of Arkansas/Fayettesville
Univ. of South Carolina/Columbia
Univ. of Wisconsin Stevens Point
Univ. of Wisconsin/La Crosse
Univ. of Wisconsin/Oshkosh
Univ. of Florida
Univ. of NC Pembroke
Univ. of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
Univ. of Wisconsin/Fox Valley/Menasha
Univ.of Southern Indiana
University of New Hamphshire 3
University of Wisconsin/Marathon Co.
University of Southern California
University of Minnesota/Crookston
University of Minnesota/Morris
University of Minnesota/Duluth
University of Houston/Downtown
University of Texas/ Pan American
University of Texas/Tyler
University of Alabama
University of South Dakota
University of Southern Colorado
University of Missouri/Kansas City
University of Rio Grande
University of Nebraska/Kearney 2
University of Arkansas/ Monticello
University of Miami
University of Southern Alabama 3
University of Cincinnati
University of Michigan/ Dearborn
University of Alabama/Huntsville 2
University of North Florida
University of Missouri/Columbia
University of South Carolina/Aiken
University of Rochester
University of Tampa
University of Utah/SLC
University of Arkansas/Little Rock 3
University of Central Arkansas 3
University of Tulsa 3
University of WI/Whitewater
University of Redlands
University of Texas/Permian Basin 2
University of Central Florida 2
University of Wisconsin/Waukesha
University of Scranton
University of Illinois/Urbana 2
University of Notre Dame
University of Evansville
University of Wisconsin/Green Bay
University of Tennessee/Knoxville
University of Wisconsin/Eau Clair
University of Maine/ Farmington
University of Central Oklahoma 3
University of Wyoming
University of Nevada/Las Vegas
University of Connecticut/Storrs
University of Utah/Logan
University of Tennessee/Martin 4
University of Findlay
University of Southern Indiana
University of Kentucky
Upper Iowa University 2
Upsala College
Valparaiso University 2
Vanderbilt University
Vermont Technical College
Vermont Technical College
Virginia Intermont College 2
Wake Forest University 2
Waldorf College
Wartburg College
Washburn University 2
Weber State University
Wesleyan College
West Virginia Institute of Tech.
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Western Illinois University
Western Connecticut State Univ.
Westminster College 2
Wheeling Jesuit College
Wichita State University
Widener University
Winona State University
Winthrop University 4
Worchester State College
Xavier University 3
Young Harris College
Youngstown State University 3
William Rainey Harper College
Ohio University
Beliarmine University
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
Norwich University, Northfield, VT
Winthrop University
Rider University
Alpena Theater, Alpena Community College
Philadelphia University
Univ. of South Alabama
Laredo Comm. College
University of Houston/Clear Lake
Ridgewater College
Goldey Beacom College
Central College
Bradley University
Univ. of NM, Albuqurque
University of Alabama/Huntsville |