Mark Nizer - Photos for Print
NOTE: These photos may only be used for promotional purpose.
They may not be downloaded or copied for any other purpose without written permission from Mark Nizer.
See DIRECTIONS below to download.
Nizer Promo Photo©2008 Nizer Promo Photo©2008 Nizer Promo Photo©2008
Download Instructions:
1. Pick the photo you want.

2. Right Click on the mouse and choose "Save Target As...".

3. Save the file to your computer.

1.Pick the photo you want.

2. ctrl Click on the mouse and choose "Download Linked File As...".

3. Save the file to your computer.

Note: The images you download are large format .jpg files. Any graphic designer will know how to reduce and use them for a high quality print result.

Nizer Promo Photo©2008
Nizer Promo Photo©2008
Nizer Promo Photo©2008   Nizer Promo Photo©2008

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All material on this page may not be used in any manner without prior written permission from:
Mark Nizer™
and/or Active Media Group™
Contact Site Administrator: Active Media Group.