We are very excite about the new show. Mark Nizer™ Scratch N Sniff. Your audience will be given a "Odorama" card to smell during given cues during the show. You See, you hear and NOW YOU SMELL. Get ready to experience something totally new and really fun. You never know where this show will take you; from hot cookies to the bathroom. Only Mark's imagination and your nose will know. Contact Us for more info.
The student has become the teacher! Mark's new corporate team building workshop and performance combo hit Orlando last month as Mark taught 200 teachers how to juggle "together". This unique approach teaches collaboration skills and team work that they can take with them and reuse the skills learned in situations.

Upcoming Tour Dates
Contact Us for Details or Block Booking Options

Performing Arts Foundation, Wausau, WI
Peacock Theater, NC
Sweden Tour May 20-23
Hilton Head PAC
Doudna Fine Arts Center
Lake George Theatre
Peddie School, NJ
Greenbrier Corp Event (Private)
RiverPark Center
SUNY Oneonta, NY
Carson Center Paducah, KY
Citrus College PAC
Effingham Performance Center, IL
Gallo Center for the Arts
The Falany Performing Arts Center
California Institute
Bankhead Theater

Mark toured Kunming and Beijing China with 2 of his daughters and wife. He also did a press tour the month before.

"Comedy in China is a whole new game and translating the show was very tricky. Sarcasm is not something they do there and my show is all about that." Said Mark.

Aside from a brief visit to the emergency room and an IV or two, Mark returned a better performer and more appreciative of a smaller world.

Mark Nizer • nizer.com • 434.974.9699 • mark@nizer.com